Friday, August 19, 2016

Small Companies – The Real Winners

Entrepreneurs are driven by different reasons and not just profit.  The desire to do a better job and serve the market better.

Many main aim is to create employment, give the opportunity to other to work and bring up their families, pay the rent send the kids to college.

The real gold medalists are the entrepreneurs that are out there, creating something new, taking the challenges of running a small business, working many hours and building something that they believe is better than what is out there.


  • In real life and in real business — especially small business — there are many winners, even if you’re not No. 1.
  • Knowing you could serve the market better — improve the product, give better service, cut costs, treat employees more fairly — is very motivating.
  • There’s justifiable pride in building a business big enough to give other people work so they can feed their families, go to school or pay their rent.

“Watching the Olympics, you’re left with the idea that if you don’t win gold, you haven’t accomplished anything. The media covers business much the same as sports: Whose stock is highest; whose company is being acquired for the most money; who has the biggest market share?  It’s often viewed as a game: There’s one winner and lots of losers.”

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